The key to our success

Those of us who are part of this company must contribute to achieving its mission through behavior that consistently reflects the principles and values we share.

1.- Respect

2.- Values and integrity

3.- Comply with labor, environmental, and tax laws and regulations

4.- Safety and personal well-being

5.- Define, communicate, and enforce internal policies and regulations

6.- Assigned responsibilities

7.- Information management and confidentiality agreements

8.- Conflict of interests

9.- Integrity and corruption

10.- Family work

Be the best option Working with the best

Being the best option in cleaning solutions for our customers and consumers. That is why we conduct ourselves with professionalism and integrity. While our products are supplied with the required quality and according to the established times and places.

Working for a better world Focusing efforts and making alliances

At REYNERA, we are committed to promoting and contributing to the development of the communities in which we operate without this implying the creation of dependencies. We seek to care for the environment and seek mutual benefit, for which we always maintain an open communication channel with the communities.

Fostering transparency Honest transactions

REYNERA is committed to never facilitating or supporting money laundering. We are committed to:

1.- Always comply with the laws and regulations related to money laundering.

2.- Minimize the risk of getting involved in arrangements or operations which may be or are related to assets of criminal origin.

3.- Take the appropriate actions to evaluate our business relationships to ensure their integrity.

Take care of our environment Preserve the future

At REYNERA, because of our philosophy, we prioritize harmonizing our operations with nature. We are fully committed to conducting our business activities in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner to minimize the impact of our operations.
